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VO Passages Blog - My Meandering Journey

Updated: May 2, 2022

'pasij: the act or process of moving through, under, over or past something on the way from one place to another.

by Nita Drakatos near Le Selva Lodge, Napo, Ecuador

Welcome to my first ever blog post.

In January, 2022 I went on a "bucket list" trip to Ecuador where I spent time in a canoe in the Amazon jungle. The muddy waters meandered endlessly into and beyond the Napo river creating an unforgettable life experience.

My travel experience in Latin America made me realize that my career transition from the compliance and ethics training and communications space to voiceover, has brought me into uncharted territory, a place to "seize the day" and explore many unimagined possibilities in my work life as a relatively new voiceover artist. This is my carpe diem story.

In October, 2021 I reached out to my personal and LinkedIn network to announce my new voiceover enterprise. One connection, Richard Bistrong, CEO and Founder of Front-Line Anti-Bribery, a producer of an award-winning compliance & ethics training series, Compliance Corner™, reached out to me with a proposition that would benefit my VO business in unexpected ways. What did Richard ask me?

Would I consider being a part of his newest set of training vignettes about confidential information and insider trading? Although the proposed gig was outside of my voice over business - frankly, not a VO job. My response to Richard was, "tell me more."

I'm glad I asked.

The project was a new installment of his popular Compliance Corner™ real-world stories about compliance and ethics. The job consisted of an interview with Tom Hardin, a former hedge fund analyst, also known as "Tipper X", by the FBI and the media. What a fascinating opportunity!

As C&E had been in my wheelhouse since 2004, I realized this could be an opportunity to keep connected with my former colleagues in the compliance & ethics training & communications area - which would, by the way, lead to future VO business opportunities in the legal, compliance and ethics arena (and beyond).

I replied, "Yes."

Next, I met Tom virtually, and performed some research to come up with interesting questions to add to the script. Two weeks later, on December 14, 2021,I was in a studio in New York sitting across from Tom and Richard in production, This was less than ten weeks after I began my VO career.

The newest Compliance Corner™ series vignettes just launched on March 23, 2022.

If you would like to evaluate all four "confidential information" modules, in addition to the existing anti-bribery and corruption series, on behalf of your organization, you can request a demo of the entire series

Here is my YouTube teaser.

What's on your horizon? So, for voice over talent and others, I recommend carefully considering opportunities that present themselves indirectly like I did.

Had I said, "No," I might have lost a chance to improve my skills, expand my network and experiences, and attract new opportunities on and off camera in this amazing journey.

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Nita Drakatos
Nita Drakatos
May 02, 2022

What is the best feedback you ever received?

Nita Drakatos
Nita Drakatos
May 02, 2022
Replying to

The best feedback I've received in VO is to always, always identify who I am and who I am speaking to for each VO job I prepare to record.

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